11 July 2013

Email Tutorial [Part-2] :: How to create Email

How to create Email:
For create an email account or email address at first we need to register near e-mail service providers web site(E.G.- http://www.google.com , http://www.yahoo.com , http://www.rediffmail.com etc.). Here we can able to register free. This service providers give there Email service at totally free of cost.
 Now we look to see how to register http://www.google.com for create an Email account. At first we should to go this web address http://mail.google.com and after that we can be able to see a screen like below.

 Now click on "CREATE AN ACCOUNT" button.
After that we should to fill up a form like below.
Now we look to see how to fill up this form.
Enter your first name & last name here.

For choose your user name you need to type your key word here.

(E.G.- techwiselab@gmail.com , yourname@gmail.com)
*Your user name not will be accepted If this user name already selected by other. Then you need to choose other one. Computer will be suggest you to select different user name and you can select from there.

Type your password here. You can choose your password minimum 8 digit to at last 32 digit. Next confirm your password by retype the password.

Now enter your date of birth here.

Next select your gender from here.

Now type your mobile number with country code.

If you have already an Email address you can put it here. Since you haven't any Email address earlier so no necessary to put it.

 Now you need type two captcha entry into the blank place. If you already type your mobile number so you can skip it by click on the check box. 

 Now select your location from here.

At last tick the check box and click on the 
"Next Step" button.

After clicking next step button you will be shown a new page like below.

Now click on "Next Step" button.


After clicking next step button you will be shown a new page like below.
 Now wait few seconds your mail account will be open soon.

See Email account is open now.


In my next lesson you will be learn how to send an Email to another person.
Thank you.........


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