11 July 2013

Email Tutorial [Part-2] :: How to create Email

How to create Email:
For create an email account or email address at first we need to register near e-mail service providers web site(E.G.- http://www.google.com , http://www.yahoo.com , http://www.rediffmail.com etc.). Here we can able to register free. This service providers give there Email service at totally free of cost.
 Now we look to see how to register http://www.google.com for create an Email account. At first we should to go this web address http://mail.google.com and after that we can be able to see a screen like below.

02 July 2013

Email Tutorial [Part-1] :: What is E-mail?

E-Mail (Electronic Mail):

Electronic Mail is the most used feature on the Internet .We knows that it takes days to send a mail across the country and weeks to go around the world. For this reason, it is referred to as the ‘snail mail’. To save time and money, we use the electronic mail. It is fast, easy to use and it is cheaper than the postal mail. In its simplest form, e-mail is an electronic message sent form one computer to another. We can send or receive personal and business related message with attachments like picture or other document.

Working of E-Mail:


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